Quick Info
Wi-Fi is shared between the Casa and Casita guests. There are 2 services provided, one by TotalPlay and one by Telmex.
The primary Network is (SSID) CasaMadina.
Password is Du7451Bu4632.
There is a secondary wifi setup (as a backup or for additional bandwidth): SSID is INFINITUM36CA and the Password is RrE3m1JiB3
Both services to the house are 100Mbps over fiber optic to the house.
Turn off all AC units, lights and fans while out to conserve energy.
There is no smoking allowed inside Casa Madina. Smoking is allowed on the rooftop Terrace, but any cigarette butts left behind will be charged an additional cleaning fee of US $50.
Beach/Pool Towels
Blue and White striped beach/pool towels are provided for your use. Please do NOT take the bath towels to the beach or the Pool. You will be charged for any lost or damaged towels.
Casa Madina pool is chemically treated and cleaned at least once a week. It may be necessary for you to skim leaves before use. This is just one of the prices we pay for living in a tropical paradise!
The pool is solar heated and is a refreshing way to spend the afternoon or evening.
Cleaning / Maid Service
If you are staying 7 days or longer, maid service will be provided once per week. You can coordinate the day with the property manager.
We regret that we cannot allow pets in Casa Madina. Also, please do not feed any of the neighborhood dogs.
Maximum Occupancy
Casa Madina sleeps up to 6 people in bedrooms, up to 8 people including the fold-down couch in the living room and up to 10 if you rent the Casita as well. Additional guests are not allowed without prior consent. Hosting couchsurfers or others not on the rental agreement is not allowed.
There is no parking available on Casa Madina property. Public parking is available at the top of the hill, first come first served.
Fireworks are not allowed in the house or on the Terrace under any circumstances. Violation of this rule is grounds for immediate eviction with no refund.
Any damages to Casa Madina will be deducted from your Security Deposit. If damage expenses are greater than the Security Deposit, you will be contacted and responsible for the difference.
No illegal drugs are allowed in the house under any circumstances. Violation of this rule is grounds for immediate eviction with no refund.
Trash is collected daily by the city. You can drop the trash off at the bottom of the hill. Please tie up the bags prior to leaving them for the trash.
A recycling program is being developed by the city. As of now, there is no formal recycling program that serves Casa Madina. Hopefully soon!
If you lock yourself out of the house, please contact the property manager Gabi. +52-322-132-1041 or, if you can't get through, you can contact the owner at +1-213-259-3030
Please do not put anything down the toilet other than toilet paper. Similarly, please don’t put anything down any of the drains. If plumbing clogs are caused by objects put down the drain, the cost to clear the lines will be deducted from your Security Deposit.
Candles have been provided in case of a power outage. Please blow out all candles before going to bed or leaving the house.
Please do not bring inside furniture outside. Also, don’t bring any outside furniture inside.
Please, do not sit on inside furniture in wet swimsuits or with suntan oil/sunscreen on.